Topic: Robert Stanek
uptown Aug 9 2002 1:18PM Robert Stanek is my favorite author. I posted a thread about my top 10 site
and seemed to be a lot of people interested. The first Ruin Mist Chronicles book is Keeper Martin's Tale. It is so kewl! I've
never liked any book so much and when I read the second book Elf Queen's Quest I was hooked. YA versions of these books are
there too as Kingdoms and Elves 1,2,3 and Elf Queen and King 1,2. I got my friends reading this too, everyone says it the
Star Wars of fantasy. I think most everyone will like these books. Anyway I thought it'd be fun to talk about the books. How
about favorite creatures, characters or scenes? elfstone Aug 9 2002 3:56PM hey thanks
for suggesting i just got kingdom and elves 123 my dad got them for me on amazon. im just starting 2! i read the first 1 in
2 days!!! i see now why uptown Aug 9 2002 4:22PM No probs, glad u like it okay. Me i'm
just hanging out today waiting to go to mall with friends elfstone Aug 9 2002 4:28PM hey
u up on bolt i just saw ur post pop in. howz come i can't zap ya? uptown Aug 9 2002 4:43PM
Still hanging. I dont zap, too many wierdos. So who's your favorite so far? I really like Adrina I can identify with her.
She's deep, emotion. I understand her.
elfstone Aug 9 2002 5:03PM i like adrina but my fav is vilmos. he's kind of like a brother i never had
shud i turn off my zap how do you do that? uptown Aug 9 2002 5:08PM Vilmos is there,
I like him too! Anywayz got to run, can't hang no more. Psst... if you want to turn off zap go to your settings elfstone
Aug 9 2002 5:16PM goin back to readin being grounded sucks. ill let ya know what's what when i get more
into 2 i did like the part where vilmos is chased the wolmerelle got my attention aaron Aug
9 2002 6:01PM crashing in! i read ke and finished thru book 3. wait to you read about the troants! i loved the part with
vilmos and edward. he's like part troll and part giant. adrina going to trip you out what happens to her let me tell you.
very kewl. i got into his elf queen and king too. elfstone Aug 9 2002 7:13PM hey im
on book 2 in the ke i haven't read any others cept ke 1 i like it so far at least interesting nobody
Aug 9 2002 7:24PM what is this? elfstone Aug 9 2002 7:30PM what is what?
this is my socalled life thank god for the net or id go insane being grounded when all my friends are out. so you red the
ke or what? nobody Aug 9 2002 7:53PM what's a matter with ur life? we all got troubles
girl you aint no different than da rest. i clicked into this cuz I heard of stanek's books. I don't knw what the ke is though?
my brother's really into it. he's always talking about something this or that. Is this the same as Ruin Mist? elfstone
Aug 9 2002 8:03PM my life sucks if i didn't have books internet and music id take some pills elfstone
Aug 9 2002 8:06PM ruin mist is the world the books are in im really just starting i like it lots though vilmos
and i have the same kind of freaky dreams everythings always all messed up like that
nobody Aug 9 2002 8:24PM girl you need to find god. you saved???? elfstone Aug
9 2002 8:34PM aint no body goin to save me when i go im gone so you want to talk about books or what aaron
Aug 9 2002 9:19PM being grounded isnt da end of the world geez! you a soap opera queen? nobody
Aug 9 2002 9:20PM Okay, so lets talk books. I kinda started the first one. My brother has it nobody
Aug 9 2002 9:25PM Drama queen is what you mean but why don't you cut the girl some slack. aaron
Aug 9 2002 9:27PM my fav part is when emel and adrina are in the rain and mud then when she meets the lady of
the forest is like the most awesome i got hooked on the books right then elfstone Aug 9
2002 9:43PM hey i liked that too! my fav is when vilmos is running thru the forest getting chased by the wolmerele beasts.
i really liked that part i couldn't put the book down. im just now getting into the second one. did you read them yet. i think
you said you did. elfstone Aug 9 2002 9:50PM do u zap??? aaron
Aug 9 2002 10:01PM i red them all at least the kingdoms and the elves and the elf queen and the king if u like
the forest one u going to love elf queen and the king its awesome dark nobody Aug 9 2002
10:07PM Sounds good. I'm going to get this out of my brother's room. He's out elfstone Aug 9 2002
10:20PM i didnt read that. i only read kingdoms and elves 1. i started 2. my dad got me 1,2,3. i dont know if he'd get
me anymore for the while nobody Aug 9 2002 10:22PM That's not the one my bro is reading.
Now I'm bummed! you had me all readay. Now what am I going to do for the rest of the night? aaron
Aug 9 2002 10:26PM im checking out be back tomorww going to movie aaron Aug
9 2002 10:27PM u goin to like it if u can get it its wicked kewl awesome! dark! elfstone Aug
9 2002 11:37PM k. i went back to reading anyway. only stopped cause i ran out of coke. im on the part with the magic shield.
part b4 w adrina wohoo! i liked it uptown Aug 10 2002 12:51PM Mall was good. I was justing reading
Kingdoms and Elves 3 cause I heard it starts where Keeper Martin's Tale left off. It's true. I think you going to like ke3
best, I do so far. elfstone Aug 10 2002 6:03PM oh my god! finished book 2 and had to
come up for air before starting into the next one. all i can say is i was crying and hart broken there for a moment at the
end before the return aaron Aug 10 2002 6:19PM told ya aaron
Aug 10 2002 6:19PM still grounded? not the end of the end of the world is it elfstone
Aug 10 2002 6:32PM xxx for making being grounded not so bad. i'm going to go read. aaron Aug
10 2002 11:14PM no prob tell me when u finish book 3 elfstone Aug 11 2002 1:24PM got
to chapter 10 yesterday. the chapter where seth tries to save galan is all that and some! i was blown away when Adrina was
attacked. i luv her now! vilmos and adrina are best uptown Aug 12 2002 1:11AM Adrina
was alwayz my fav, what you think of Myrial? I like her too. Valam sounds like a honey. aaron Aug
17 2002 2:18AM u finish 3 yet? elfstone Aug 17 2002 5:02PM ok, my life's not that
fuk'd. happy now? aaron Aug 18 2002 6:13PM hey just trying to do ya good i used to get pretty
bummed too till i figured out life doesnt have to suck